BBC Rock documentary series

BBC Rock documentary series
Posted on June 16, 2015 .

A few months ago, we were contacted by the BBC who asked if they could interview Don for an upcoming BBC TV documentary series to be aired this summer. Their crew came to the US for a whirlwind round of interviews with many of the 1960s rock icons for this series: Don came to LA to meet them and was interviewed for a couple of hours. We have not seen the final cut of this but I was informed today by the BBC that the final show of this series ‘BBC Rock and Roll America’ will air tomorrow night, Friday July 17 2015, on BBC Four. This is the episode during which the Don Wlson interview will be shown. If you find yourself in a location where you are able to get BBC Four, you might want to tune in and watch. I believe that the whole series will be available on DVD so, if you miss it, you can always buy that instead! Enjoy!

Category: Music